Meeting report Friday 23rd July

After much previous discussion about pubs around Brook Green, Godfrey came up with The Pear Tree in Barons Court, about ten minutes from Barons Court and Hammersmith underground stations so we’re going to try that. And if we can, a Zoom feed for those who can’t make it in person.

There was further discussion about the EMF regulations and the unlikelihood of Ofcom ever actually paying a visit unless concerns had already been raised..

Next meeting Friday 23rd July at 20:00 on Zoom

The only thing on the agenda so far is to arrange a physical meeting for which we need to fix a time and a place so have your diaries ready and if you can think of any suitable venues (quiet, plenty of outside space and ideally also covered or inside space should the weather dictate) in the area bounded by Hammersmith, Olympia and Shepherd’s Bush please propose them.

Meeting report Friday 9th July

A physical meeting will be held in a pub early in August, date and venue to be confirmed at the next meeting

The outcome of the asset audit was that apart from the TS-2000 at Nigel’s, most of the club’s equipment including the card reader, laptop and TS-2000 transport case are in Selim’s parents’ garage.

There was much discussion about the new EMF regulations, some shortcomings with the RSGB spreadsheet were highlighted but it was felt that despite the club’s urban membership it was unlikely that anyone would be affected by them as they stand.

Next meeting Friday 9th July at 20:00 on Zoom

If we can get a quorum this time we’ll discuss alternative meeting dates and formats.  If you’d rather share your views anonymously, or perhaps privately, feel free to email any one of the committee who’ll pass your thoughts on anonymously.  Are we in a position to organise a social (pub) evening in a couple of weeks?

The Treasurer would like to run through the asset register and confirm the location of everything we own so if Selim, Godfrey and anyone else holding club equipment could be ready to list it.  (I know about the TS-2000 at Nigel’s.)

Did anyone read the article on the new EMF requirements in RadCom and what do we think?

Finally, if we get the chance we should discuss the feasibility of using Microsoft Teams and maybe arrange a test.  I’ve used both extensively in the last couple of years and there’s little to choose between them now it’s possible to join a Teams meeting from a link without a Microsoft account, and the meeting management in Teams is better on the basic licence level and doesn’t have the limitations we discovered in Zoom a few weeks ago.  And I’m told we can do everything from a free account but I have a company account we can use anyway.

Anything else – let the Secretary or Treasurer know.

Meeting report Friday 25th June

Godfrey reported that he’d had no success with the two halls near to him, and it was also reported that the neighbourhood centre that had looked like a strong possibility had declined due to concerns about aerials.

It was decided that we will go ahead with an evening at a pub as soon as we can agree on a suitable venue, to be somewhere in the general area, quiet, probably early in the week, with plenty of outdoor space, ideally with cover available or plenty of space indoors to maintain spacing should the weather dictate.

Next meeting Friday 25th June at 20:00 on Zoom

There was some discussion at the last meeting about trying different days of the week and a proposal for Wednesdays, but it was then learned that there was confusion over whether that would be tomorrow or next week, and there were fewer than usual people present when that was discussed so we’ll meet this Friday as usual and make a firm decision about the following meeting.

This week I’d like to confirm that everyone has access to our Google Groups:

              HARS-members – Google Groups

             HARS-friends – Google Groups

And also discuss the feasibility of using Microsoft Teams and maybe arrange a test.  I’ve used both extensively in the last couple of years and there’s little to choose between them now it’s possible to join a Teams meeting from a link without a Microsoft account, and the meeting management in Teams is better on the basic licence level and doesn’t have the limitations we discovered in Zoom last week.  And I’m told we can do everything from a free account but I have a company account we can use anyway.

Meeting report Friday 11th June

There was discussion about two halls in Barons Court as possible venues. Godfrey hadn’t been able to make contact with the management of either but will try again. There was general agreement that in the absence of a venue we should at least meet in a social context (such as a pub garden) once lifting of lockdown allows, alternating with Zoom meetings and trying different days of the week, Wednesday being quite popular but maybe we’ll try other days too.

Next meeting Friday 11th June at 20:00 on Zoom

Admin talk will be about how to meet as restrictions lift and we’ll hope to get a questionnaire circulated before the meeting.

If you have any technical matters you’d like to talk about either bring them up on the night or let the committee know and we’ll reserve time.

Zoom details:

Topic: HARS online club meeting Fri 11th June 2021
Time: 11th Jun 2021 20:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 919 6752 5113
Passcode: 854964

Meeting report Friday 28th May

Much of the discussion was about the return to physical meetings.

Godfrey reported back on venues he’s been in contact with but the outcome wasn’t positive – the Grove Neighbourhood centre closed much too early and the school was going to cost £140 per session.

JJ and Blazej were compiling a questionnaire for members to canvas what balance of formal, informal and virtual meetings would work best.

Informal venues were discussed and a pub night will be organised although the membership vetoed funding the secretary and treasurer to go on a pub crawl fact finding mission around the Brook Green area.

JJ showed a new mini spectrum analyser he’d bought from Amazon for a mere £63.50. The appearance was very similar to the nanoVNA and we speculated that it could be the same hardware or a derivation thereof.