Club Meeting – William Morris Sixth Form annex

William Morris Sixth Form College annex St Dunstan’s Road, London, United Kingdom

To access the room (and car park) you will need to be let in through the security gates. Once you're right outside the gate Just summon someone using your handheld on 145.500MHz. If you can't use a radio for entry then contact us in advance and we'll provide a mobile number you can call instead. We're

Club Meeting – Online


A Teams link will be sent out on the day - make sure the chairman has your email address.

Club Meeting – William Morris Sixth Form annex

William Morris Sixth Form College annex St Dunstan’s Road, London, United Kingdom

To access the room (and car park) you will need to be let in through the security gates. Once you're right outside the gate Just summon someone using your handheld on 145.500MHz. If you can't use a radio for entry then contact us in advance and we'll provide a mobile number you can call instead. We're

Club Meeting – Online


A Teams link will be sent out on the day - make sure the chairman has your email address.

Club Meeting – William Morris Sixth Form annex

William Morris Sixth Form College annex St Dunstan’s Road, London, United Kingdom

To access the room (and car park) you will need to be let in through the security gates. Once you're right outside the gate Just summon someone using your handheld on 145.500MHz. If you can't use a radio for entry then contact us in advance and we'll provide a mobile number you can call instead. We're

Club Meeting – Online


A Teams link will be sent out on the day - make sure the chairman has your email address.

Club Meeting – Furnivall Gardens/The Rutland Arms

Furnivall Gardens/The Rutland Arms Hammersmith Waterfront, London, United Kingdom

This was scheduled to be at William Morris School as usual but we've been told they're closed for the summer break. Currently the weather looks promising so we're going to do a picnic in Furnivall Gardens with a portable setup, but if that fails we'll be in The Rutland Arms on the riverside walk just

Club Meeting – Online


A Teams link will be sent out on the day - make sure the chairman has your email address.

Club Meeting – William Morris Sixth Form annex

William Morris Sixth Form College annex St Dunstan’s Road, London, United Kingdom

To access the room (and car park) you will need to be let in through the security gates. Once you're right outside the gate Just summon someone using your handheld on 145.500MHz. If you can't use a radio for entry then contact us in advance and we'll provide a mobile number you can call instead. We're

Club Meeting – Online


A Teams link will be sent out on the day - make sure the chairman has your email address.

Club Meeting – William Morris Sixth Form annex

William Morris Sixth Form College annex St Dunstan’s Road, London, United Kingdom

To access the room (and car park) you will need to be let in through the security gates. Once you're right outside the gate Just summon someone using your handheld on 145.500MHz. If you can't use a radio for entry then contact us in advance and we'll provide a mobile number you can call instead. We're

Club Meeting – Online


A Teams link will be sent out on the day - make sure the chairman has your email address.