Meeting report Wednesday 20th April

The weather hadn’t improved enough to sit outside but we discovered a new food stall that’s worth investigating next time.

Much discussion about aerials and how the higher bands had been showing promise.

Any thoughts about venues are welcome, both for the pub night or a non-pub meeting place.

Meeting report Friday 8th April

A quiet meeting with more discussion of FT8 and other data modes but we should schedule another comprehensive one perhaps when David is more available. (Not least because I’m getting confused about how JTDX handles automatic replies.)

Meeting report Wednesday 23rd March

A quiet meeting again but we reflected that the same period in previous years had similarly low attendance and put this down to the time of year. We’re stumped for a venue for the Pubs and Clubs on the Air weekend so if you have any ideas please shout. Also if you have any ideas for short presentations (like propagation tools for instance)

We need someone to volunteer to submit our meeting details to RadCom and Radio User as it’s free publicity. This should only take perhaps twenty minutes a month but could grow to become useful in other ways.

Meeting report Friday 11th March

Much discussion of echolink type repeaters and another in Poland that Gregor is involved with. Feeders and where you go from LMR400 came up, JJ showed some from a cell tower which has a hollow centre and we discussed whether feeder could be oval or whether that was more likely to be a wideband waveguide.

I shall try to find a way to make the meeting chats available as there are lots of useful links, although people would need to annotate them as to what they’re about.

Next meeting Friday 11th March 2022 at 20:00 online

Main topic to discuss is whether and when to have another online on a different day of the week for those who can’t make Fridays.

Here’s the link – please make sure you’re showing video and a recognisable name or callsign so we know you’re not a bot.

Please remember to turn the volume of any radios right down or off completely to avoid confusing the noise reduction in your online meeting client.

Meeting report Wednesday 23rd February

A relatively quiet meeting (but it is the middle of winter) but again there were interesting discussions about aerials and QRP transceivers, and Cristian brought along a superb little device which we’ll link in the resources section.
Someone (David?) proposed that we consider the Pubs And Clubs On The Air weekend in mid-May so we’re searching for a friendly pub, not too far away and ideally one which a member has some connection with, even if only an occasional regular, where we could put a gazebo and a modest mast outside, and run a mains lead through the window in exchange for buying their beer and food? Suggestions welcome!