Meeting report Wednesday 22nd June

A well attended meeting with a demo from me of the remote software for my FTDX101 that allows pretty much full control of the rig, albeit at a reassuringly expensive price point, and, surprise, surprise, discussion of data modes and the surprising lift recently on 10m through 2m.

London Hackspace Radio Club meets this Saturday, 2nd July from about 14:00-16:00 (and often longer) so do come and see the shack if you’re able because we’re down to the last six months of the lease and will probably be homeless by the end of the year. We often meet in the local ‘Spoons for brunch at about 13:00 and/or retire there for a couple afterwards. There’s some car parking available behind the building but you’ll need a code that JJ or Nigel can give you. Just come in and ring the bell on the door facing you or ask someone in the caged area at the back. Details here: and

Club business meeting online

The next regular online meeting will be on Friday 13th May but we need to have a general meeting to discuss club business, like meeting dates, frequencies and venues. Although it’s a long month it’s a busy one for some of us so look out for an email, and rest assured that we’re just testing the water and no firm decisions will be made.

Meeting report Wednesday 20th April

The weather hadn’t improved enough to sit outside but we discovered a new food stall that’s worth investigating next time.

Much discussion about aerials and how the higher bands had been showing promise.

Any thoughts about venues are welcome, both for the pub night or a non-pub meeting place.

Meeting report Friday 8th April

A quiet meeting with more discussion of FT8 and other data modes but we should schedule another comprehensive one perhaps when David is more available. (Not least because I’m getting confused about how JTDX handles automatic replies.)