Meeting report Wednesday 21st September

Although the new location has been felt generally favourable compared to The Pear Tree a couple of former regulars haven’t been to the meetings at The Curtains Up so if the location isn’t working for you please drop me a line and we’ll see what we can do.

Meeting report Wednesday 24th August

A good representation from people named David, people from the Antipodes, people who need marine radio and people who have marine radio licences. Lots of chat about how to operate on holiday and a discussion of marine radio licences, which one is needed and how to get one.

The venue was unanimously approved by those in attendance as much nicer (and cheaper, and better food) than The Pear Tree, but it is a bit harder to get to for some so we’re open to input from those who for any reason didn’t attend.

Next meeting is Friday 9th September online and as it’s not far off and there’s a bank holiday in the way we won’t try to squeeze in an extra meeting this month.

Next meeting Wednesday 24th August 2022 at The Curtains Up pub, Barons Court at 19:00


Godfrey and I have had a few ‘management’ meetings (or at least that’s what he tells his wife) at The Curtains Up and agree that it’s a much nicer pub than the Pear Tree.

It’s open plan inside so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding us.

If there’s general agreement that it’s a better venue then we’ll make it permanent, or at least until further notice.

Meeting report Friday 12th August

John K dropped in at the start live from Bisley to show us a most excellent sunset across the ranges, and after that we talked about various things although data modes and propagation featured heavily.

Meeting report Wednesday 20th July

The main event (unscripted as usual) was David M’s single board computers, competitors to the ESP32 range in a similar format but with different (ARM?) processors that if David drops me a line I’ll edit into this post.