This week Blazej will be telling us about solar power and how to harness it for home and mobile operation.
Link on Friday.
Hammersmith Amateur Radio Society
This week Blazej will be telling us about solar power and how to harness it for home and mobile operation.
Link on Friday.
As usual I’ll try to grab a biggish table at the far side of the main bar (away from the drafts from the door). If there are definitely going to be at least four coming I’ll see if I can book that sort of snug just beyond that in the sort of corridor between the far side of the bar and the restaurant area.
Don’t forget that if there’s no post on the home page and no email, the definitive reference is the events calendar at or follow the events link on the home page.
In a change of plan from the topic previously pencilled in for this Friday, Matthew has kindly volunteered to talk about APRS, and like David’s datamodes talk, assuming that people have successfully connected their computer to the radio and taking it from there.
Link on Friday.
A well attended and enjoyable meeting and the first (and hopefully not the last) for Bruce who pointed out some issues with the website and meeting scheduling. The events are okay and on the right date but it seems that we lost the meeting notices and reports in December. There was a WordPress and PHP upgrade on the website around that time but I can’t really explain it. Now my workload is easing up I’m in the process of setting up some new email addresses for info, training, committee etc. A volunteer to manage social media and things like RadCom diary would be welcome.
To clarify the meeting dates, we meet on the second Friday of the month and then the Wednesday twelve days later rather than a particular Wednesday of the month. Because of the way days move around as the first of the month changes this is the best way to prevent having meetings in consecutive weeks and three week gaps. Although we could change that and when there’s a three week gap squeeze in an extra meeting?
Either way the Events page on here is the one true source of meeting info.
Next online meeting will be Friday 10th February and it’s likely that David will be leading a discussion of FT8 and other data modes, taking the excellent talk he did two(?) years ago to the next stage.
And don’t forget the Discord server for ongoing chatter during the month – email for an invitation link if you don’t have it.
Usual plan but we’ll be raising a few matters in advance of the AGM later in the month.
Quiet, but we discussed matters for the AGM next month and decided that given how busy the pub was, to postpone the Christmas social event until January.
Hope to see lots of you there.
A very varied night with discussion ranging from C4FM to the 44/8 IP range to the venue and date for the Christmas meeting. There was no conclusion, but Godfrey will be in touch soon about the AGM.
Usual plan. If you’ve got C4FM get it ready on the 2m calling channel.
An interim meeting as the way the dates work out it’s nearly three weeks between the September pub meet and the October online meet.