About us

Hammersmith Amateur Radio Society was formed in Autumn 2017 with some twenty licenced or aspiring to become licenced members. We met twice a month in the hall of St. Mary’s in West Kensington where we were able to have a semi-permanent installation of HF and VHF/UHF antennas driven by a Kenwood TS-2000 and a Yaesu FT-8100.

When Covid struck in early 2020 the hall had to be closed and as it became apparent that this wasn’t going to be short term we moved online, meeting online every second Friday for a couple of hours of radio related chat and socialising. As the world returns to some sort of normality meeting space is scarce and prices have risen so we’ve opted for a hybrid approach – one meeting online on the second Friday of the month and another in a school outbuilding in the Hammersmith area on the second Wednesday after that. The schedule for the next three months can be viewed online at https://www.m0xhs.uk/events.

As we have currently have no major expenses, online meetings are open to non-members and we welcome newcomers to come to a couple of the physical meetings before committing themselves, although for the time being membership is a bargain at just £2 a month. If you’d like to join in look at the Events calendar for forthcoming meetings and the next meeting announcement on the front page where the online link will be published on the day.